New Beginnings Preschool at Hamilton Elementary
Established: 2014
New Beginnings Preschool at Hamilton Elementary School (formerly at Franklin Elementary School) was established as part of an initiative supported by the Stocker Foundation and Elyria City Schools. This program includes two classrooms designed for 4- and 5- year old students. Each classroom is led by a licensed Early Childhood teacher and supported by an instructional paraprofessional.
Our learning environment provides opportunities for active exploration, guided discovery, and firsthand experiences. We emphasize problem solving, good decision making, independent and creative thinking, plus opportunity for concrete, real, and practical experiences. Activities and materials are multi-leveled and open-ended to provide challenges for each child to learn and grow at their pace. Arts, music, and technology are integral components of the daily routine. Developing a firm readiness foundation for the learning years ahead is essential, as well as teaching children to become responsible and productive citizens.
At Hamilton, we emphasize the full development of the young child, both as an individual and as a member of a group. Helping children develop a deeper understanding of the feelings and rights of those around them is an important goal. Opportunities for cooperating, helping, and negotiating are part of each day. We strive to build understandings and skills that will promote a love of learning and a sense of positive self-worth in each child.
To ensure that each child meets their full potential, our preschool curriculum is aligned to Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards as well as the Science of Reading. We focus on developmentally appropriate activities which encourage kindergarten readiness skills as well as fine and gross motor, social- emotional skills, language skills, and self-help skills. Our goal is to meet each child’s intellectual, physical, emotional, and social needs at each successive stage of development.
We are part of Elyria City Schools and follow a typical school year calendar
FREE, FULL day program for residents of Hamilton School neighborhood
All students eligible for bussing to/from school
All students receive free breakfast and lunch daily
Contact Information:
1215 Middle Ave,
Elyria, OH 44035
Email: henesjill@elyriaschools.org
Phone: 440-284-8007
Website: Hamilton Elementary School
Partnership with OhioGuidestone offering Incredible Years Social Emotional Curriculum
Partnership with Elyria Public Library offering monthly story times within the classroom
Partnership with Lorain Historical Society’s Early Learning Initiative offering field trips to local venues in Lorain and Cuyahoga counties
Gold Rated Ohio Step Up to Quality Program