Investing in quality Kindergarten readiness programming pays off.
While less than 2% of our public expenditures are for the youngest learners, “…research has demonstrated that every dollar invested in early childhood education produces a 10 percent per annum return on investment – far exceeding returns on later interventions – such as reduced pupil-teacher ratios, public job training, convict rehabilitation programs, adult literacy programs, and tuition subsidies” (Ohio Business Roundtable, The Talent Challenge, 2010). Research shows that participation in quality early childhood programs significantly improves early literacy, language, and math skills while at the same time reducing the number of children retained by up to 36% and reducing the need for special education services by nearly 50% (Ohio Business Roundtable, The Talent Challenge, 2010). The benefits of quality Pre-Kindergarten programs do not end at the time of graduation. In fact, they lead to higher rates of employment and higher earnings along with a reduction in crime and the use of public assistance (Ohio Business Roundtable, The Talent Challenge, 2010).
Ready Set Go…to Kindergarten seeks to address these disparities.
RSG is a community collaboration of early childhood education providers who are working together to improve and expand quality preschool experiences for the children of Elyria. With the support of the Elyria City School District, RSG seeks to ensure Kindergarten readiness for children enrolled in an RSG participating provider.
This is accomplished through:
ongoing professional development;
improvements to quality by aligning with the Step Up to Quality star rating requirements;
improvements to curriculum design and compliance;
improved communication between the early childhood education community and the school district;
purposeful transition planning, including the use of the Traveling to Kindergarten document, to help children successfully move into Kindergarten.